Monday, March 30, 2009

laugh....whole day- im happy but tired.

either college life or university life is interesting and really have fun.
although is a big different between college and uni life.
he made me laugh whole day, i oso dunno why i laugh. i love to be happy ma, thats y i always laugh....if not i used to cry? haha

* continue later*

Monday, March 23, 2009

Finally finish the first CB CMA 1, feel stress in the test.


Friday, March 20, 2009


"cheerfulness keeps up a kind of daylight in the mind, and fills it with a steady and perpetual serenity"

Thursday, March 19, 2009


2)每月月经必须保持正常的生活习惯, 不能喝冷饮,提重物等活动。
5) 定时做牙齿检查,拥有美白的牙齿,身为女生也会比较有自信。


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

please do support EARTH HOUR 2009

who read this, please support this historical project by the whole world.
log on to the email, and sign up please.

thanks for supporting.

thanks for...

thanks for those who really help me in the test so that i can move on to the next step, i finally passed my paper which i felt difficult... seriously i had took this paper for 2 times. finally i really passed this paper. thanks for ezra toh because he help me alots... and my beloved lecturer- MR. RAYMOND coz guiding me, and helped me a lots in the class.

when having the exam, i do not have much confident, maybe was i felt the paper before, i told myself i got to do well in this last time, worry like hell, before exam, i try to borrow some notes from juniors, but they are so selfish, ask me to do it my own, but its ok, i can do it myself.
without those juniors, i finally passed the paper.... so so so happy.

i will do my best for my coming mission, test, whatever.

really thank GOD.


“你是好人,也是个坏人”, 那我宁愿你是个坏人。

Saturday, March 14, 2009

thank GOD

so happy because i had achieve my goal.
i promised myself that i will work hard.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

最近看完一部偶像剧- 《放羊的星星》, 有我超帅的林志颖在剧里出现。

我好下载了他的金典名曲-如, 戏梦,十七岁的夏天。这些都让我想起当年的我是多么的喜欢他。

3 more days to wait for final result.

i always think negative, my friends always scold me regarding this.
but this is in-born characteristics, can not be changes.

im worry for the final result where approve or not approve for me to go through all this.
headache... cannot sleep tight in the night.

everyone seems like no feeling at all and even can go dating, go travelling. OMG. i really can not..

my lovely GOD, i really want to go through it, i had put all of my time in this problem. only XXX i can go through the next step. you must bless me to go through...

if i got the chance, i promised that i will do what i had promised to you.

god bless me. 3 more days to wait.

Friday, March 6, 2009

KOREA VERSION BOYS OVER FLOWERS, is a romantics drama.

love this drama, but watch until episod 16, have to be stop, because KU HYE-SUN met an accident, so this drama may stop for a period of time, hope to watch the next episod....

Thursday, March 5, 2009

明知道心里非常关心他,但到最后自己却不肯去承认, 他是个好人也是个坏人。自己决定不再去想他,但是却默默地想起他。真是觉得自己开始没勇气去面对他了。如果可以的话,我想把他忘得一干二净。我想我可以的。


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

不爽, 不舒服,压力?


真遭糕。 想休息,但我时间不够用, 我真的非常的累。

Monday, March 2, 2009

如果没有-梁静茹 好好听。
mv 更是动人。

Sunday, March 1, 2009

funny story.

went to post office last friday, i reach there around 8am, i realized that they are people waiting in front of the post office although it is only 8 in the morning.

the post office is open at 9am, i reach there too early, because i sent my parents to bus station at 73oam, and i want to pay tm net bill, so i went there after sending them to the bus station.

pity girl of me, queing up there for one hour, and im 3rd person. so lucky and 910am done my billing.

noted: malaysian wake up so early.