Sunday, December 11, 2011

Change or remain?

Change or remain? It's time to think about it^^

Saturday, September 3, 2011

叮噹 一半

叮噹 我愛他

全民大K歌 (4 ) 叮当:猜不透


If you are looking for a GF that accompany you for everydays' drink, I am so sorry, I am not the person.

If you are looking for a GF that accompany you for your lonely days, I am happy, and I will tell you that I am the person.

Guess that you always like to drink during lonely nights, I think you must be having some difficulties for the past.

I could understand, when you were drunk, you will be high and happy, but once the alcohol run away from you, you will still be facing the difficulties.

I hope I can change you if I am yours.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


F I R - [你很愛他] KTV

ELVA蕭亞軒 - 錯的人Mv

台湾歌手可以唱出对的人,同时也可以唱出错的人! 赞。


Mr. RIGHT is it you?

我恨我愛你 Wo Hen Wo Ai Ni


Beyoncé - 1+1

1 plus 1

Beyoncé - Best Thing I Never Had




我想追根究底问到我要的答案。 但我真的没有那个胆量咯!!!